

North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies


February 2007



Hanumatpresaka Swami (Huber Hutchin Robinson) travelled in India, Europe and South and North America since Fall 2006 showing the NIOS DVDs and Power Point Shows from the Bharatiya Sanskriti 2006. This was well received by several university faculties, cultural societies and friends. Current cash funds are about $7,000 with $3,000 more pledge by Micro-Soft May 30th.

The last Bharatiya Sanskriti, Festival of Classical Indian Culture, with San Marcos University in Lima, Peru is scheduled for 11-14 of October this year.  There is a pre-event 1 & 2 March during San Marcos’ annual Fall Seminar Series, Philosophy, Science and Politics: Where is the World Headed. After this NIOS will propose developing a Master’s Degree course in World Classical Literature with San Marcos and other universities.

Hanumatpresaka Swami (HpS) after presenting the Seminar on March 1st & 2nd will also make the same presentation in Argentina, Bolivia etc. Then by 17th April he will return to USA to stay for one month at NIOS offices in Tennessee. He will develop a
curriculum for the Master’s Degree with an emphasis on Bhagavata literature. Rabbi Rami Shapiro has been asked to consider developing a curriculum with emphasis on his tradition.

HpS and his Anjana Suta Academy (ASA) will be sponsoring a workshop for learning Hindi from 1 April to 7 October. Because of the inherent classical value of Hindi and its value as a gateway to Sanskrit classical literature NIOS approves this program. He will also contact Ricardo Palma University, University of Houston and eventually Professor Rupert Snell about translating and instructing Hindi in Spanish from Professor Snell’s book.

HpS will also be presenting seminars on Jung and Bhagavata model with the Jungian Society in Houston during the Fall of 2007.

The NIOS website,,  will be updated to include these news bulletins and papers and DVDs from NIOS.

NIOS invites any interested persons to submit proposals to sell original literary, music, video or other works to NIOS that promote its non-profit goal of amplifying the appreciation of classical culture and literature.

The Annual NIOS Seminar in Tennessee is scheduled for the last Saturday in September with a theme of Rosary, Japa, Chanting the Holy Names in the Modern World by their Different Traditions. If you wish to be on the Organizing Committee for the event then please contact us. Of course, we will have representation from Bhagavata, Judaic, Catholic and other traditions.

Corresponding Secretary:
Thanu Subramaniam
304 Astor Way
Franklin, TN 37064
[email protected]


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