

North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies

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May 12, 2010

  • NIOS is co-sponsoring a program on Light of the Bhagavata at the splendid San Isidro cultural center in Lima, Peru on the 14th of May.  Results from that should be soon available.

  • Besides this the most intense focus is for our Annual Symposium, 11th September, the details of which are mentioned below.


11th Annual Symposium


Cultivation of the Human Spirit


Second Announcement and Call for Abstracts.


Topic: Married for Life


Date: 2010 September 10-12

Venue: Murfreesboro, Tennessee

First of all, let us thank all those who responded to our 1st Announcement and helped us in clarifying the focus of our Academic Section.  Our topic for this year is still, Married for Life.

In keeping with NIOSīs specific goals of cultivating appreciation and application of world classical literature, we are enthusiastically petitioning for proposals for papers on the following themes for presentation at the Annual Symposium and/or publication in the corresponding volume. Of course, the idea is to discuss all these topics with a very vital relation with specific classical cultures and their literatures, and the application of these things at the actual moment.

Suggested Topics

  1. The character of the marriage relationship in specific classical traditions and their literature.

  2. How the active marriage years of child rearing fit into the broader social institutions of childhood development, old age and even terminal and post mortem life.

  3. Marriage education in the school from Kindergarten through Secondary.

  4. Inter-faith, inter-tradition, contrasts eg. Jewish and Hindu views of marriage.

  5. The role of women in marriage, the character of women.

  6. The influence of ontological views on social conventions.

  7. Tradition and its manifestation in therapeutic situations: Marriage counseling.

  8. Annotated bibliographies from different classical traditions with an aim toward developing a curriculum for NIOSīs Masterīs Degree in World Classical Literature. We need general bibliographies and specific readings for this current topic: Good books that good men should read.

  9. Polygamy and celibate monastic life are necessary elements for successful society and marriage institution?

  10. Specific classical stories with moral explanations. Eg. the question of re-marriage in "Hamlet".

Of course there are many other themes and topics of which we are want to hear.

Deadline for Abstracts: June 15th 2010


Hanumatpresaka Swami (Professor H. H. Robinson),

Chairman, Academic Publications: .

Also we will maintain an academic forum at our web site:

Accomodations-Calendar Details: Please contact  Dr. Vivek Narain, 615 851 5441,

We expect to Publish the final collection in both electronic and paper formats with translations of all and selected articles in Spanish, Greek, Hindi, Russian etc.

Some funds are humbly offered for Honoraria.

If the honest and intellectual class inspire the administrative and financial class with knowledge and purity then they, and the general mass of people, can execute austerities in life so that we all can become one in peace, friendship and prosperity with a common cause.

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