Meaning of Yoga

Meaning of Yoga – The general meaning of the word yoga is to unite, to…

Chandra Namaskar

Chandra Namaskar – Like Surya Namaskar, Chandra Namaskar is also very important. In this also…

Surya Namaskar With Mudra

Surya Namaskar With Mudra – There are 12 positions in one repetition of Surya Namaskar.…

Virasana (Hero Pose)

Virasana (Hero Pose) – Literally meaning Veer means Kshatriya warrior and mighty. This asana makes…

Natarajasana Lord of the Dance Pose

Natarajasana is usually known as Lord of the Dance Pose. This particular asana name directly…

Parshvasana (Side Stretch Pose)

Parshvasana (Side Stretch Pose) – Parshvasana Pose Parshvasana (Side Stretch Pose)(pahrsh-VAH-suh-nuh)Modification: fingers interlocked, palms pressed…

Tandavasana Lord Shiva Cycle Of Life Dance Pose Yoga

Tandavasana – Tandavasana Pose 1 (Pose Inspired by Shiva’s Vigorous Cycle of Life Dance) (tahn-duh-VAHS-suh-nuh)Modification:…

Sitkari Pranayama (Hissing Breath)

Sitkari Pranayama has both a psychical as well as physical effect. Ventilation of the mouth…


Pranayama – We have studied yama, niyama and asana described by Maharishi Patanjali in Yog…


Asana – The term asana means sitting in a particular posture, which is comfortable and…

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