
Samadhi yoga

 Mausoleum | Samadhi Yoga

The higher state of meditation is called samadhi. Its importance has been told in all religions like Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Yogi etc. When the seeker is completely immersed in the meditation of the object and he is not aware of his existence, then he is called Samadhi. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Samadhi is described as the eighth (final) stage.
Wisdom emerges after samadhi and this is the ultimate goal of yoga. The last and seventh means of Hatha Yoga practice is Samadhi. At this stage, the meditator merges with the object of meditation, then the final state of Vritti Nirodha is called Samadhi.
Samadhi is timeless which is called salvation. This salvation is called Kaivalya knowledge in Jainism and Nirvana in Buddhism. In yoga it is called samadhi. It has many levels. Moksha is a condition which cannot be called mood.
Samadhi is the last stage of yoga. Samadhi is attained when a person, after doing all the yoga practices, takes away the mind from the external objects and starts meditating while meditating continuously.

Types of samadhi 

The person who attains samadhi has no desire for touch, taste, smell, form and words, and he does not feel hunger-thirst, cold-heat, honor-insult and happiness-sorrow etc. Such a person attains immortality by becoming full of power. His cycle of birth and death ends.

What is Samadhi 

Moksha or samadhi means to become a witnessing person free from atomic atoms. Neutral or Sthitaprajna means to become supremely stable, supremely awake. The distinction between the knower, the knowledge and the known is erased. In this lies the ‘sense’ of being supremely powerful, where there is neither hunger nor thirst, neither happiness, nor sorrow, neither darkness nor light, neither birth, nor death, nor any influence. Freedom from all kinds of bondage. Ultimate Freedom Superman or Superman.
The meaning of complete samadhi means salvation, that is, the creature has to be freed from the cycle of birth and death to become self-realized and self-realized. Samadhi is a subtle state of mind in which the mind is completely absorbed in the contemplation of the object. The person who attains samadhi has no desire for touch, taste, smell, form and words, and he does not feel hunger-thirst, cold-heat, honor-insult and happiness-sorrow etc.

Definition of Samadhi 

तदेवार्थ मात्र निर्भासं स्वरूप शून्यमिव समाधि।।
न गंध न रसं रूपं न च स्पर्श न नि:स्वनम्।
नात्मानं न परस्यं च योगी युक्त: समाधिना।।
Meaning: While practicing meditation, the seeker reaches such a state that he no longer has knowledge of himself and only the goal remains, then that state is called samadhi.
In the state of samadhi, all the senses are absorbed in the mind. The person becomes absorbed in samadhi, then he does not have knowledge of juice, smell, form, word these 5 subjects. He has no worries about his own, strangers, insults etc.

Samadhi time status

When the breath is completely under control and the mind becomes stable and balanced, then it is called a state of samadhi. Holding Pranavayu for 5 seconds is ‘Dharana’, concentrating the mind on a subject for 60 seconds is ‘Dhyana’ and samadhi is the continuous restraint of Prana for 12 days.
Formula 17:  
वितर्कविचारानंदास्मितारूपानुगमात सम्प्रज्ञातःवितर्कानुगम समाधि वितर्क 
Where there is a special logic in the mind to know the truth and to see the world. There can be three types of reasoning – logic, kutarka, vitarka.
Kutark means wrong reasoning, in which the intention itself is wrong. In such a situation, the only purpose of reasoning is to find fault in the other, you know within yourself that this is not true, yet through logic you prove that point right. For example, with half the door open means half the door remains closed; So with the whole door open means the whole door closed! God is love, and love is blind; Therefore, God is blind!
Vitarka is a special type of reasoning, just as we were understanding dispassion logically, but in this way the consciousness of listening and understanding was being affected, consciousness has been raised by such special reasoning, you are in a different state, this is Samadhi. Is.
Samadhi means equanimity, ‘dhi’ means intelligence, that part of consciousness through which you understand. As we are all in a state of trance now, we are understanding consciousness by a special logic.
Logic can turn either way, you can put logic this way or the other way, anywhere, logic has no faith. But the argument cannot be reversed.
Just like if someone dies and you are standing there, suppose you are not emotionally attached to them, now you know that this person is no more and this is the ultimate truth. In such a moment your consciousness is in a different state.
Just like when a movie ends, there is a sense of something ending, when people come out of a cinema hall, you will see that everyone comes out of the same state of consciousness. When people come out of such a music festival, there is a feeling in all of them that something has ended. Even after a camp is over, people return to a state of consciousness, that all is over.
At such a moment there is a special logic in the mind, an irrefutable logic, which automatically comes into your consciousness. Everything is changing, it has to change. Everything has to end, such discourse lifts the consciousness. For this there is no need to sit with eyes closed, even when eyes are open, such a feeling of ‘I am consciousness’ and everything is empty, fluid. This whole world is a quantum mechanical field, whatever it is – it is a debate.
The whole science is based on logic, the existence of a quantum field of the world is irrefutable, such a state is vitarkanugam samadhi.

Vicharanuga Samadhi

All experiences come in thought, smelling, seeing, seeing, hearing – whatever you experience during meditation, that is all vichanugam samadhi, all experience of thoughts and seeing the movement of thoughts, all in this comes in.
There can be two states of thoughts in this samadhi-
The first kind of thoughts bother you. Other types of thoughts don’t bother you, but they go on roaming in your consciousness and you are also aware of them. You are in samadhi, in equanimity, but at the same time thoughts keep coming and going, that is part of meditation. Thoughts and experiences remain, this is Vicharanuga Samadhi.

Anandanugaam Samadhi

Anandanugam samadhi means a state of bliss, as when you wake up by doing Sudarshan Kriya or you get blissful by singing bhajans in a satsang, then the mind is in a different state of bliss. In this way consciousness is raised, but there is bliss. Such a blissful state of meditation is anandanugama samadhi.
The samadhi that resides in Ananda is Anandanugama Samadhi, which is also a meditative state. In the same way, in Vicharanuga Samadhi you are with some coming and going experiences, feelings and thoughts. When you are in samadhi with an irrefutable vitarka, that is vitarkanugam samadhi.

Asmitanugama samadhi

After these there is the fourth samadhi, asmitanugama samadhi, which is a very deep state of meditation. In this you do not know anything, only the awareness of your being remains. You just know that you are, but don’t know what you are, where you are, who you are.
There is only the awareness of one’s own being, Asmita – I am, apart from this nothing else is known. This is the fourth stage of samadhi, asmitanugama samadhi.
These four states of samadhi are called samprajnata, that is, in all of them there is a flow of consciousness, a flow of awareness.
Formula 18: 
विरामप्रत्ययाभ्यासपूर्वः संस्कारशेषोऽन्य
You cannot experience this awareness by doing anything, you cannot bring awareness and intelligence within yourself by effort.
By being fixed in effortless relaxation, by seizing the rest, by being situated in oneself, this is possible. This is possible through the practice of mindful relaxation.
Sleep is also rest but there is no awareness in it, nature forces us to sleep, you are not resting, you are forced to rest. When you are very tired, nature forces you to relax by holding you, pulling you, that is not your rest. Your own relaxation is possible only through meditation, when you consciously say that now I have to rest, then only then is the right relaxation. Otherwise relaxation swallows you up, whereas in meditation you allow relaxation to happen. Do you understand this difference?
Sleep pushes you into relaxation whereas in samadhi you are resting yourself, that is the practice. Virampratyayabhyaspurva: That is, the practice of deep relaxation consciously.
For some people it is even possible through old rites. Some people have to practice a lot to bring more awareness, peace and equanimity in the mind, but for some people it is attained through the sanskars of previous lives, they feel it automatically. Sometimes it is from birth and sometimes it starts erupting from within them, at a particular time in life time.
Have you ever seen this? Sometimes after the age of 30-40 one suddenly has some spiritual experience and after that they become more alert. Unfortunately most of these people go astray, some start predicting that the world is about to end. What actually happens is that they have read something like this somewhere in some Bible or books and they find it absolutely true in that spiritual experience. Sometimes there are announcements that the world is ending on 20th September and people gather. He becomes a victim of all these misconceptions because he does not have knowledge about yoga. Sometimes one sees some light in meditation and they feel that something is descending, something is coming, people get astray from such spiritual experiences. You have to understand that all this is a sacrament of previous births, sanskaraseshonya it is a different kind of samadhi.
Formula 19:  
भवप्रत्ययो विदेहप्रकृतिलयानाम्
It’s a little more cryptic. Samadhi is not just the experience of this level of the world, but beyond it there is an effect of samadhi on other levels as well. People who do not have a body are also affected by meditation. When you meditate, you are not only bringing harmony within yourself, but you influence souls at different levels of this existence.
Your meditation affects the consciousness of people who lived 100 years ago and those who are yet to be born. Do you understand that life is infinite. Life is in every moment and is also infinite, your life has been here for thousands of millions of years and will be there for thousands of years.
There are also different types of yogis, videha i.e. those who do not have a body. When the mind is in equanimity, you can walk as if you have no body. Similarly, those who do not have a body also come under the influence of meditation.
Similar Prakritilayas, who are completely absorbed in nature, also attain the same state of equanimity.
In the Videha you become distant from the plane of matter, you are ignorant of material existence, you are not even aware of your surroundings, you are completely immersed in yourself. Or to be completely immersed in the things of the world.
Describing the different types of samadhi in the said sutra of the Yogasutra, Maharishi Patanjali says, the experience of samadhi is either by closing the eyes and being situated in oneself or when you are looking at a mountain or a sunset, then Prakrutikalaya Samadhi happens. There is a possibility.
 In this way you completely merge with nature and the present moment. You are looking at the sunset and watching you and the sun remain, by and by you completely dissolve and the sun remains.
Have you ever had this experience? Seeing a mountain, you forget yourself, at that time you become one with that mountain. Similarly, when you look at the waves of water in a lake, then there is no thought in the mind, no mind at all. This experience is Prakritikalaya Samadhi.
But while doing this, your mind should come in the middle and say that hey, what am I doing, this is water, looking at it what a fool I am doing, I should do something else. Or else the mind starts thinking about some thing or person, then you are not able to become one with nature.
Prakritilaya is also a great exercise. People sit with nature for hours and watch nature continuously, until all thoughts are exhausted. After this only a emptiness remains.
You can also do this as an experiment, when you are very worried or sad then go and sit on the bank of a river or lake. Go there looking at the ripples of water and you will find that your mind is being pulled along with the flow of water, bound by magnetic attraction. Then you will turn and sit on the other side of the river and you will find that the mind is being pulled along with the water in the other direction. All the dilemmas, conflicts and sorrows of the mind are washed away with water.
Sometimes it happens that someone goes to the bank of the water to commit suicide, then just seeing the water changes their mind, they are not able to commit suicide. The mere sight of flowing water changes the whole spirit of his mind, the level of his life. The same experience can happen on the seashore, even seeing the waves continuously brings a different freshness to the mind. Like the waves wash away something from your mind and lighten your mind. This is Prakritilaya Samadhi when you become one with nature. Videha means knowing that you are not the body. This is my body, but I am not just the body. This sutra has been misunderstood by people over and over again for centuries.
Patanjali says that these processes can happen only to a certain person(s) at a particular time. It is not for daily practice, not for every person and every time, but it can be a state of samadhi with anyone at a particular time.