

Yama – Yama is the root of religion. It is taking care of all of us. Surely this is also the basic nature of man. Yama makes the mind strong and pure. Mental power increases. This develops determination and self-confidence.


Types of yamas

There are five types of Yama-  

(1) Non-violence  

(2) Truth  

(3) Asteya  

(4) Celibacy  

(5) Aparigraha

Ultimately, the above five are called ‘Yamas’, this is the first stage of Ashtanga Yoga. Different religions have explained Yama in their own way, but Yoga considers it as the first step to reach Samadhi. It is similar to the way of enrolling in primary school. Certainly it seems difficult to practice but only for those people who have lost their natural nature by drifting with the wind of the times.

(1) non-violence

Non-violence: ‘Atmavat Sarvabhuteshu’ – that is, to consider everyone as one’s self is non-violence. Non-violence is considered to be non-violence by mind, word and deed, but non-violence has a wider meaning than this. It is also a crime to do injustice or violence to oneself. Anger, greed, attachment, suppression of an instinct, hurting the body, etc. are all violence against oneself. By having a non-violent attitude, the mind and body feel healthy and feel at peace.

(2) Truth

Truth is generally taken to mean not to lie. Satya is made up of the elements Sat and Tat, which means this and that – that is also this and that too, because truth is not completely one-sided. Seeing the rope as a snake is not true, but the belief and fear that arose after seeing it is also true.   A logical intelligence is needed to understand the truth. Rational intelligence comes from the eradication of confusion and conflict. Illusion and duality are removed by being one in mind, word and deed.  

(3) Asteya 

It is also called Achorya, that is, not to have the feeling of stealing, nor to bring the idea of ​​stealing in the mind. Asteya is broken by the mere thought of taking money, land, property, women, education, etc., any such thing which has not been acquired by one’s own effort or has not been gifted or rewarded to us by anyone. The effect on the mind caused by this feeling hinders mental progress. The mind becomes diseased.

(4) celibacy

Its meaning is also broad. Generally, keeping restraint on the secret senses is considered to be celibacy. The literal meaning of brahmacharya is to take care of that one Brahman. That is, celibacy is the only way to stay in his meditation and keep discussing it. The abolition of control of all the senses is called brahmacharya.

(5) Aparigraha

It is also called non-attachment i.e. not having attachment towards any thought, object or person is aparigraha. Some people have a tendency to accumulate, due to which useless things or things start accumulating in the mind. This creates contraction in the mind. This gives rise to miserliness or miserliness. Habits are also born out of attachment. To renounce this tendency in mind, word and deed is to be aparigrahi.