Hatha Yoga :- There are many Paths that impart knowledge about yoga, such as Raja Yoga, Laya Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, etc.
In today’s era, the most common means of human welfare is Hatha Yoga, which helps Raja Yoga to attain a high status. Due to maintaining its distinctive spiritual image since time immemorial, India has been famous as a spiritually-oriented country. In the fourteenth-15th century, the side of yoga had faded away and at the same time, Shri Swatmaram placed the right side of Hatha Yoga in front of the general public and scholars.
Various hatha yogic practices have effects on both the body and the mind. It plays a major role in psychosomatic diseases. There is a direct relation of the body with the mind and Hatha Yoga is the art of cultivating the mind by cultivating the body. It says for stomach disorders
The purpose of Yoga is to develop the personality multidimensional by adopting various practices of Hatha Yoga in normal life. Personality development includes physical, mental, intellectual, social and spiritual development. The development of human qualities is the sign of personality development.
It is the art of cultivating the soul. Control of the mind can be established by cultivating Prana. It is yoga based on the body. The Annamaya and Pranamaya koshas, which are called body and prana, are the goal of pure hatha yoga. You have read about Yoga in detail in the previous unit. Some people think of its gross meaning by the word Hatha Yoga, but it is not limited to the body, nor is it a coercive yoga. This mode is a method full of spiritual contemplation.
In which Prana and Apana, Naad and Bindu, Jivatma and Paramatma become one. That is called the low state or yoga. When apana is pulled up and mixed with prana by practicing pranayama and bandha, it is called hatha yoga practice.
The five pranas are discussed in the Yoga texts; Udana, Prana, Samana, Apana, and Vyana are the five pranas and they control and regulate the activities and energies of different places in the body. Udana in the mouth, prana in the heart, the same navel, apana cavity region and vyana control the activities and energy of the whole body In yoga, the mind is controlled by mixing this prana through pranayama.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika :
it is a very important text of Hatha Yoga. This book was composed by Swami Swatmaram ji. There are four teachings in this book.
In the first sermon, the long tradition of Siddha Hatha Yogis has been described, as well as suitable places for higher practice of Hatha Yoga and the elements that hinder the seeker in the practice have been described. After this 15 asanas have been described as the first part of Yoga.
1- Swastikasana
2- Gomukhasana
3- Virasana
4- Kurmasana
5- Kukkutasana
6- Uttanakurmasana
7- Dhanurasana
8- Matsyendrasana
9- Paschimottanasana
10- Mayurasana
11- Shavasana
12- Siddhasana
13- Padmasana
14- Throne
15- Bhadrasana
In the second sermon, Swami Swatmaram ji has described 8 pranayamas –
1- Surya Bhedi
2- Ujjayi
3- Sitkari
4- Sheetali
5- Bhrastrika
6- Bhramari
7- Murchha
8- Plavini
as well as six purification actions also mentioned –
1- Dhauti
2- Vasti
3- Tratak
4- Nauli
5- Kapalbhati
6- Neti
Who Compiled Hatha Yoga Pradipika? :
Pradipika’s Compendium of Yogi Atmaram was a 15th and 16th century yogic saint in India. He is best known for compiling the yoga manual Hatha Pradipika or Light on Hatha Yoga. it is a very important text of Hatha Yoga. This book was composed by Swami Swatmaram ji. There are four teachings in this book.
What are the 8 Limbs of Hatha Yoga? :
The Eight limbs of yoga form a moral or Ethical code to help us live happier, more meaningful lives. He defined the eight limbs as
2- Niyama (Observance)
3- Asana (Posture)
4- Pranayama (Breathing)
5- Pratyahara (Return)
7- Dhyana (Meditation)
8- Samadhi (Absorption).